112 Business View Australia - November-December 2015
three residential aged care services
on the Redcliffe Peninsula says,
“Altogether we have about 200 staff.
About 20% are registered nursing staff,
50% are assistant nurses and 30% are
hospitality staff. We are very careful
with our staff selection. Our philosophy
at Beaumont Care is that our residents
are special and our personnel key, and
so we carefully select the personnel
who support our residents.”
Each of the aged care homes run by
Beaumont Care provides high care and
low care services and ensures that
each resident is cared for in the best
possible manner.
New residents are welcomed, with
special care being taken to allow them
to get used to their surroundings.
Residents can spend time on a range
of activities organised at the homes
including bus outings, concerts,
men’s groups, high teas and walking
Beaumont Care places great emphasis
on the recruitment and training of its
staff and, believing that each resident
is special and deserves to be treated
as an individual, has an excellent staff
to resident ratio.
Jeanette Evans, General Manager of