122 Business View Australia - November-December 2015
We have been growing organically over
time but just recently we took over
the running of the Alcheringa Group,
a non-profit aged care organisation in
Victoria and we grew by 33% in size
just in that amalgamation process.
“In 2006 we purchased Tyler Village
from the Macquarie Bank. They had
bought all of the Salvation Army homes
in Australia and they sold them a couple
of years later and we purchased the one
they had in Tasmania. We extended the
original home to 96 beds over the years
and then we built a home in Penguin
which has 45 beds. We have just
receivedagovernment grant to increase
its capacity to 78 beds. We put in half
of the funding and the government will
put in the other half.”
Island Care has six aged care
facilities under its management
including the three that are part of
the Alcheringa Group. Each of these
establishments has an impeccable
reputation for helping residents lead
healthy and fulfilling lives and being
staffed by well-trained, experienced
and qualified personnel.