Business View Australia - November-December 2015 143
Mercy Health has a wide range of
suppliers and service providers. “Our
working relationships go through a
range of people and I would call them
our collaborators and they would
be anyone from individual home
practitioners to health providers,
companies,’’ Adj Prof Cornelissen said.
“Our most important collaborator is
the community, because at the end
of the day if we are to provide care
effectively we have to be engaged
with our community. Where possible
we have local relationships and that is
how business is part of a community.”
A tradition of caring
Mercy Health’s values are rooted in
a tradition of providing an appropriate
level of care with compassion, while
ensuring the dignity of the resident
or client. From a small start almost a
hundred years ago, the organisation
has grown to a $500 million enterprise
with 6,500 employees.
Speaking about the future prospects
of Mercy Health, Adj Prof Cornelissen
describes his vision, “The future is
very bright for Mercy Health. We have
gone through a pretty rapid expansion
in our aged care services and we are
in the top 20 largest aged care service
providers in Australia. Our five-year
plan is to continue to consolidate our
position and our assets and make
sure that we are able to be one of the
best providers of residential aged care
in the country.”
“The other is to continue to grow the
portfolio appropriately, expanding our
home care services so that we can
offer people true care across the whole
spectrum of their needs. We also want
to continue to respond to the needs of
the people that we are serving.”
“The big one for us is to make sure
that we are strong enough and vocal
enough to always advocate the case
of those who cannot be heard. And in
order to do that effectively you need
to be a major player. We want to be a
major player in the aged and health
care industry and in doing so we want
to make sure that those whose voices
which may not be heard are always
thought of and that we are continuing
to look for ways to respond to the most
vulnerable people.”