90 Business View Australia - November-December 2015
Katitjin Centre, Australian
Institute of Management
Katitjin Centre is the third stage of the
Australian Institute of Management,
Western Australia, a private not-for-
profit organisation. It has been awarded
a 6 Star Green Star – Education Design
v1 certification.
Speaking about the assignment, Fred
Chaney, Cox Architect’s Project Director,
says, “The Katitjin Centre was always
going to be a sustainable building. What
weneededwas a crediblebenchmark to
substantiate the outcomes and ensure
a higher level of rigour in the design and
delivery process. In Australia, Green
Star is the benchmark.”
The Centre is emissions-neutral,
producing as much energy as it
consumes. The orientation of the site
allows theKatitjinCentre to benefit from
high levels of daylight penetration while
also reducing the building’s thermal
loads. As a result, the air-conditioning
and ventilation system consumes lower
power and there is reduced requirement
for electric-powered lighting in the
ventilation system which delivers high
levels of fresh air, with the result that
there is an improvement in both air flow
and quality. The paints and carpets
used in the Katitjin Centre contain
extremely low levels of volatile organic
compounds. These factors contribute
to healthier classrooms with clean air
and greater natural light levels, both of
which contribute to enhanced learning
The Katitjin Centre’s design has been
adapted for Perth’s infrequent summer
rains. Efficient fixtures and fittings
have reduced the Centre’s water
consumption and the water harvesting
system is capable of meeting the