committed to maintaining and upgrad-
ing the facilities whenever possible.
The Council recently developed and
adopted the Sport and Recreation
Strategy to provide long term planning
for Council’s contribution to the com-
munity’s future active and passive rec-
reational pursuits. “It is also to ensure
that the City of Burnside is able to meet
the minimum needs of our communi-
ty in a socially, environmentally and fi-
nancially sustainable and responsible
manner,” says Barry.
“The Strategy allows Council to plan
for future service provision, as well as
be able to consider opportunities as
they arise in a strategic, regional and
holistic manner.”
The City of Burnside Strategic Com-
munity Plan ‘Be the Future of Burnside
2012-2025’ sets out a desired out-
come for sport and recreation services
in the City. This desired outcome is to
deliver a range of fit for purpose sport
and recreational opportunities and fa-
cilities that foster healthy lifestyle pur-
Council’s approach to deliver this de-
sired outcome is to: