ingly, the project has already been du-
plicated in a small business while Jim
ensured us that it could be used in any
other suitable enterprise too.
The primary future issue in infrastruc-
ture and construction for the Council
will be maintaining and renewing their
assets. Another fundamental issue will
be providing opportunities for popula-
tion growth through some residential
developments. Though this is not nec-
essarily a task for local government,
the Council has been very proactive in
that area to encourage population and
economic growth. After all, they have
been a developer for a residential sub-
division in Beaufort just outside of Bal-
larat, a project that will assist in the
sustainability of the region and add to
the towns housing stock Council’s as-
sets. Overall, the Council will contin-
ue to be heavily invested in promoting
a clear future for the region and ser-
vicing both its current and future res-