Business View Oceania
from the competition are its position
on the Swan River and the personal
touch that Christian and his father pro-
vide for their guests. First of all, the lo-
cation offers stunning views of nature
and the city of Perth, something that a
very limited number of venues can of-
fer. Furthermore, the owner-operators
are actively involved in the venue. They
meet and greet guests on their arrival,
chat with them during their events to
make sure that everything is up to par,
and greet them off once their event
has come to an end. Their active in-
volvement is a rare sight for a fine din-
ing establishment yet feedback from
their guests is strongly positive in this
A great reputation inside
and outside of the
As a family business, Acqua Viva is
not tied up to any huge organisations
or companies. They maintain their own
high quality standards and set out the
example for their employees as well.
According to Christian, the staff at Ac-
qua Viva are treated like part of the
family. On their part, the staff are ea-
ger to learn from Christian and his fa-
ther as their experience provides plen-
ty of learning opportunities across
many areas of hospitality, from service
to the finest Italian food and more. A
testament to this working relationship