tion. Anyone who actually went through
the initial consultation and booked an
appointment with him was very likely
to come back as his experience made
him incredibly confident in his craft.
Building a business and
reputation through sheer
force of will
By continuously improving his Eng-
lish skills and building a reputation, Dr.
George was building towards his ulti-
mate goal of managing his own clin-
ic once more. Through word of mouth
and hard work, he established a client
base that allowed him to open a clin-
ic with a homeopathy therapist in Mel-
bourne CBD. That 30 Sq. m clinic was
all he needed to establish a base of
operations that would gradually devel-
op into more. Today, Dr. George owns
three different clinics which house
ten different practitioners of Ayurve-
da, homeopathy, and yoga. Building
everything from nothing was an incred-
ibly challenging task but his success
story is rooted in hard work and deter-
The trick that got Dr. George through
was quite simple, as is his advice to
anyone who aspires to do the same.
Never giving up is key because anyone
can achieve what they want as long
as they are determined to do so. Ini-
tially, Dr. George had to educate peo-
ple on Ayurveda before he could even
begin to think about offering them his
skills. During that time, he did not have
enough money to invest back into his