authentic services available across all
disciplines including Ayurveda, home-
opathy, and yoga.
The same principles can also be ap-
plied to a general business philosophy:
“I’ve always said that if you are com-
mitted and focused, you can succeed
very well. If you are committed and fo-
cused, then you can sell your servic-
es to people. It will just take time. You
may need to be patient, but that has
been my experience, even back in In-
dia. If we do our job sincerely, people
will receive that well and understand
our sincerity and authenticity”
Expanding Ayurclinic even
Ayurclinic now serves an average of
500-600 clients per month but Dr.
George does not want to stop there.
The fact that he has built everything by
himself has given him an unparalleled
drive to move forward and not stag-
nate. His plan right now is to search for
committed people who share his val-
ues in order to fulfil his wishes of start-
ing a clinic in each state of Australia
and expand his services to a much
wider audience.
Adding to that, his other main goal is
to create an overnight facility where
people will be able to receive even
more dedicated treatments. Accord-
ing to Dr. Saji, there are some inten-
sive treatments that require at least
two weeks in a hospital setting. His
current facilities do not allow for that
as patients have to come and go
every time. If he moves at the same
rate, however, Dr. George will accom-
plish most if not all of his goals in the
next five years.