Business View Oceania
HARRIS floating wetlands 0425 335 245 info@harrisfloatingwetlands.com.au Harris FloatingWetlands are at the forefront of developing the use of floating treatment wetlands for council ponds, golf course ponds and private sewage treatment ponds. Our floating wetland system provides a habitat for emergent wetland species to be grown on the water. We offer an optional bird protection system enabling us to establish floating wetlands in locations subject to severe waterfowl predation. At HFW, we are continually improving our design and range of options to ensurewemeet our owndesign criteria and continue to utilise the most robust and durable materials available for construction and anchoring. CONTACT US: WWW.HARRISFLOATINGWETLANDS.COM.AU Installing Floating Treatment Wetlands since 2005 across NSW, Queensland and South Australia...ing areas throughout, and BBQ equip-
ment. The showground is now utilized
highly by the community as it is fully oc-
cupied every weekend and quite busy
during the week. Furthermore, there is
a community garden where each res-
ident can participate and grow veg-
etables and herbs. Overall, the pro-
ject had a very successful community
outcome which also won the Parks &
Leisure Australia NSW/ACT Regional
Awards as a play space.
Sports are also incredibly important
to the Council: “The Council sees itself
as a sporting city”. We are very proud
of the facilities that we provide, we are
always very keen to provide good facil-
ities for sports in the area. The Council
put together a program prior to the last
election for a range of upgrades in vari-
ous sports fields and amenity buildings
across the City. We are committed to
funding these projects over the next fi-
nancial year. It covers a range of differ-
ent sports including rugby, cricket, soc-
cer, netball, and baseball. The Council is
supporting all those different sports by
providing the best facilities we possibly
can. We are very committed to sports
and we have a major sports facility,
the Blacktown International Sportspark
where we themajority of state sports are
located, including the home for Western
City Wanderers”, Rudi says.
Significant plans for the
According to Rudi, the Council will