rent population of the local govern-
ment area stands at about 348,000.
According to Rudi Svarc, the Director
of City Assets, the Council is projecting
that the population will grow to over
500,000 over the next 20 to 25 years.
‘At that number, the City of Blacktown
will be basically as big as Tasmania.’,
Rudi rightfully remarks. Despite the in-
coming challenges, the Council stands
ready to accommodate development,
support infrastructure growth, and fos-
ter developments across every major
Dedicating major
resources to infrastructure
As part of the strategic plans which
have been introduced to support that
growth, the Council will need to deliver
at least $3.3 billion dollars in the devel-
opment of infrastructure in order to ac-
commodate the development and pop-
ulation growth. They have always been
a part of the growth objective and have
consistently focused on areas which
satisfy population targets for the state
government. Towards that end, a ma-
jor construction arm has always exist-
ed within the Council which has been
used to undertake several major pro-
jects. This has resulted in a huge im-
pact on building and managing most in-
frastructure constructions internally.