Business View Oceania
staff has many years of experience in
industries of hospitality, catering, and
more. As a result, they can and have
hosted numerous events for thou-
sands of people with particularly posi-
tive feedback. The waterfront location
lends itself to fantastic wedding re-
ceptions while business meetings also
benefit from large rooms with plenty of
natural light coming in from the floor-
to-ceiling glass doors.
Fantastic food with
excellent service
In addition to providing eloquent
spaces for events and conferences,
the HFCC also has a very large, fully
equipped kitchen with its own team
of chefs. The venue caters to social
events with three course dinners, can-
ape receptions, and whatever else that
a client might request. Moreover, the
centre hosts its very own events which
have proven to be extremely popular.
The New Year’s event, for instance, is
sold out of its 300 spaces earlier and
earlier each year. The venue provides
live entertainment with a popular local
band, a seven-course dinner, and a va-
riety of drinks.
Servicing excellent food is of the ut-
most importance to the FCC which
is why Niall and Ginny have also
launched a dedicated catering com-
pany called PRISTINE Catering and
Events which they employ primarily
for off-site events. Through that com-
pany they have catered to thousands
of people at once. A prime example of
that is the venue at Princes Wharf No