Business View Oceania
Events Tasmania, which is a local gov-
ernment organisation that markets the
state as a whole. They find out which
associations and companies are plan-
ning national conferences and they go
and target them. When they do invite
the decision makers to Tasmania, they
arrange a visit so that we can show cli-
ents our venue. The local market for
smaller meetings is something that we
want to grow”
An important distinction that sepa-
rates theHFCC from the rest of themar-
ket is that they are a family business.
Niall’s wife Fiona is in accounting, Gin-
ny’s husband Johann is the main Exec-
utive Chef at Succulent, and both Niall
and Ginny are actively involved in the
day-to-day running of the centre. What
that means in business terms is that
they can freely operate without the
strict restrictions and policies set out