Team building exercises
and other activities
Aside from providing the necessary
rooms for training and conferences,
the Sydney Conference & Training Cen-
tre also provides several other ameni-
ties such as sports facilities and a gym.
Catering can also be provided at the
client’s request through a third-party
“Catering is not compulsory; the cli-
ents take that up, though we do encour-
age it. Our food is a cut above the aver-
age conference centre, in my opinion,
and clients constantly give us feedback
to that effect. We have everything from
three course meals down to snacks.
People can choose from a variety of
breakfasts, for instance, so we do ca-
ter to different budgets as well. When
we quote a price we are always hap-
py to negotiate, of course, according to
the client’s needs”, explains Scott.
Aside from food, clients may also
choose to participate in external events
and activities. The centre has a big ac-
tivities and events book which the cli-
ents are free to peruse at their own
leisure. Many of them choose to go
through planned entertainment events
such as obstacle courses or even bub-
ble soccer as part of team building ex-
ercises, for instance. Tomake sure that
everything goes smoothly, the Centre
remains in constant communication
with the clients and the feedback has
certainly been positive.