The origins of the company date back
to the 1970s. During that time, it was
set up as a distribution center by the
oil companies so that they could joint-
ly distribute their products from the
refinery. The Marsden Point Refinery
imports crude oil from all around the
world and Silver Fern Shipping is in
turn responsible for the distribution of
the refined petroleum products.
In 2007, the company was purchased
by the ASP Ship Management group
and was placed in the market under
its current guise of Silver Fern Ship-
ping. The company has had a long his-
tory in the oil shipping industry; cru-
cially its effectiveness has remained
steady throughout the years.
Petroleum product is sourced directly
from the Marsden Point Refinery up in
the north. From there, Silver Fern Ship-
ping carries the product to 10 distri-
bution ports around the country. Two
vessels, an oil/chemical tanker and an
oil products tanker are the backbones
of the operation. Their segregated de-
sign means the company can trans-
port multiple types of products at the
same time. Today, the company is the
predominant Tanker vessel operator
within New Zealand. Its local connec-
tions and experience combined with