tive in order to stay ahead of the game
and the competition. Instead of focus-
ing merely at a local level, they have
to broaden their research and focus
on an international scale. There are
numerous things that can influence
the market at any given point which
means that there is a constant drive
for improvement.
“In terms of performance, we com-
pete with international ships and oper-
ators sowe have to be up for that. There
are also product changes and distribu-
tion changes around the coast. Things
have become a lot more automated.
In terms of our industry, the regulato-
ry framework continues to grow. For in-
stance, we will have to meet emission
standards on an international scale.
We have to be proactive. The introduc-
tion of new vessels has been designed
to meet those pending international
requirements and get us at the right
level for them”, says Warren.
Working within international frame-
works is a very challenging aspect of
adhering to the policies and regulations
of the business. First and foremost,
the company works with Maritime New
Zealand, the “national regulatory, com-
pliance, and response agency for the
safety, security, and environmental
protection of coastal and inland water-
ways”. This ensures that they can look
ahead on what is pending on the leg-
islative slate. Moreover, they look out-