Located in Harden, southern New
South Wales, Argyle Prestige Meats
is a beef and lamb supplier with a
difference. It owns or closely controls
the entire supply chain from the rearing
of cattle and lambs, to processing
them at its own facility, to delivering
the packaged and labelled product
to the retailer/restaurants or end
customer. This attention to detail and
refusal to compromise on any aspect
of quality has resulted in the Argyle
Prestige Meats brand carving out a
name for itself as premium suppliers
of the highest quality products.
Argyle Prestige Meats has built up its
business operations over the years
and currently supplies beef and lamb
from its processing plant to over 400
supermarkets spread across Sydney,
Melbourne, Adelaide, Canberra and
Brisbane. It also exports its products
globally and directly to thousands of
retailers and restaurants.
Argyle Prestige Meats
One of Australia’s largest
integrated supply chain meat business.
Located in Harden, NSW