and invested heavily in technology,
particularly around retail packaging
with longer shelf-life. This was done to
reduce the shrinkage and wastage for
the retailer. We also had a big focus
on brand development and protection,
and by having our own supply chain we
were able to maintain the integrity of
our brands.
“A strategy was adopted to develop
multiple brands using different
packaging technologies with varying
shelf lives. We also started taking over
the whole cabinet of a retail store and
delivering to that store on a daily basis,
the entire meat range, labelled with a
bar code and a price and a set gross
profit margin. This enabled the retailer
to reduce his overheads and cost of
“We also focussed on exports,
formed a joint venture with one of
Australia’s largest private agribusiness
companies, The Manildra Group,
and in doing so built a new export
approved processing plant. We took
the same strategy as we had employed
in Australia into export markets and
opened an office in Hong Kong with my
brother joining Argyle Prestige Meats.
“Our business territory expanded into
Asia, the Middle East, North America
and Canada. We have a focus on the
commodity meat market to a degree,
but have tried to minimize that and
we concentrate on a value-add supply
chain model where we have accredited
producers within our program. We
stand by our brand and our product to
ensure its integrity and to make sure
that we have repeat customers.”
Argyle Prestige Meats devotes a great
deal of effort to ensure that its product
is of the best quality. It does not give
its livestock hormones to make them
gain weight and also does not use
genetically modified feed. The herds