has remained constant throughout
these years. It has successfully
established its presence across the
length and breadth of the state and
given its members a voice at every
level of government and bureaucracy.
Its President Dale Park is confident
about the prospects of the farming
industry in the state, “One of the
problems is that the number of
farmers is getting smaller and this is
not just a Western Australian problem.
It’s happening all over Australia and
probably all over the world as our
farms get bigger and more efficient.
To that end what I think we are
working towards is a national farmers
federation. We are probably going to
end up having one organisation for
the whole of Australia rather than one
for each state. There is a constant
struggle to balance the amount of
food people want at the low cost they
expect it at. I’m not sure these things
can go hand in hand but as for our
members, for the first time in a long
while, we have a higher demand for
what we produce than what we can
supply. This means that the future
of agriculture looks very very bright.