One of the schemes Council
implemented was the construction of
a series of wetlands which provided
a cascade of ponds near residential
areas. Cycleways were built around the
project which provided for a natural way
to cleanse the stormwater before it is
pumped into the water supply system.
While the technology for the project is
simple it has been implemented in a
unique way and has served to greatly
improve the aesthetics of the area.
The project has been extremely well
received by residents and is recognised
across Australia as ground-breaking. It
has played amajor role in alleviating the
water shortage and converting Orange,
which had become water-deficient, to a
citywhichhasanadequatewater supply.
Describing the steps that Council
took, Chris Devitt says, “We realised
that relying on just one source of
supply was not enough for the future
so we developed four separate points
of supply which can give us more
capacity and security. What we have
done is we have used the existing
infrastructure in a much smarter way
by having four ways to fill the dam
instead of only one way which is just
by nature. We have been able to adapt
existing infrastructure and just use
it a whole lot smarter and we have
saved a packet of money as well.”
Chris Devitt, Technical Services
Director of the Council explained that
the availability of water was a major
concern for the city a few years back
when the rains failed. The city’s water
stock fell to 23% and was sufficient only
for 9 months. At that time Orange City
Council adopted a number of strategies
to overcome the water shortage.