56 Business View Australia - June 2015
“Since our inception we have
been strong supporters of the
green initiative. Our Interior De-
signer always attempts to apply
feasible, effective products and
selects innovative ways to ap-
ply it through the lighting, wall
and roofing applications, rain-
water and grey water, etc. You
find that especially for more in-
vestment-type projects, our cli-
ents aren’t too fussed about
the green initiative. But when it
is owner occupied you definite-
ly get more requests for that.
Everybody wants a good energy
efficiency rating and it definitely
makes a difference in the house.
In 2012, an experienced Inte-
rior Designer joined our team
and has been working closely
with each client, ensuring their
project is designed to comple-
ment their business or home.
We have grown so quickly by of-
fering the personalised service
that we’ve been able to offer all
of these years. Everybody in our
company works closely with the
client. There’s no real shuffling
from team member to team mem-
ber, so the client likes walking in
and seeing everybody’s face.”