Business View Australia - June 2015 57
Their marketing approach is
simple. To let their finished proj-
ects speak for themselves and
let word of mouth generate new
clients. Lumbaca emphasis-
es they haven’t marketed the
company heavily to new clients.
With the volume of requests
which they get for their work, it
seems that indirect marketing
is working just as ef fectively
“The work which our company has
done has led to a chain reaction
of further work. By offering a very
personalised service to our clients
and delivering on our promises,
the word seems to spread quite
quickly. And we get a lot of satis-
faction out of client referrals. “
The company has recently relo-
cated to Perth. Demand for their
work in the city is high. They
are happy to continue growing
in Western Australia and see it
as their main area of business
for the foreseeable future.
“After spending the last 5-6 years
establishing the company struc-
ture, we aspire to spend the next
5-6 years in a period of continuous
growth but maintaining our per-
sonalised service that has been
getting us our strong client base.”