Business View Australia - June 2015
History of the
Consult Australia star ted as the
Association of Consulting Engi-
neers of Australia in 1952. In the
1980’s and 1990’s the govern-
ment star ted diver ting work from
the public works depar tment to
the private sector. This resulted
in Australian firms acquiring a
national footprint and soon af ter
that, in many cases, global opera-
tions. The nature of the firms also
changed and they star ted engag-
ing in multiple activities to cater
to the government requirements.
Megan Mot to, Chief Executive
Of f icer of Consul t Australia de-
scribes the changing role of the
association and how i t achieved
i ts current form af ter the gov-
ernment star ting
diver ting infrastruc-
ture projects to the
private sector, “So
as a resul t of that
change our member-
ship and the compa-
nies in the private
sector changed con-
siderably and that was really
the star ting point for us having
a conversation about what we
were as an organisation. Were
stry association for consulting companies
ctor, including engineers, architects, proj-
ironmental scientists and quantity survey-
ents an industry comprising about 48,000
t Australia’s members enjoy immense ben-
rests are very competently represented at
and government levels by the association.