Business View Australia - June 2015
ious functions for the purpose.
Members of Consult Australia
also receive the benefits of a host
of facilities to help them conduct
their businesses in a profession-
al and profitable manner. Megan
Motto gives the details of these
services, “So we know that in our
membership we have got engi-
neers or architects or planners
or quantity surveyors coming
through the ranks and deciding to
make a go of it and run their busi-
ness. However, they are of ten not
well versed in the variety of busi-
ness issues adjunct to their pro-
fessional and technical exper tise.
So we hope to provide supple-
mentary services in HR, market-
ing, contracts, risk, compliance,
workplace health and safety
and in a range of areas such as
these to help our members pro-
fessionalise their businesses
and hopefully make better prof-
it margins as a result of that.”
The association has a program
of suppor ting members in their
ef for ts to enter the international
market. Consult Australia is one
of more than 100 organisations
that is par t of the body, the Inter-
national Federation of Consulting
Engineers. Consult Australia facil-
itates its members usage of this
body to connect in the market
where they would like to operate.
Initiatives for en-
couraging govern-
ment investment
in infrastructure
The association plays a pivotal
role in facilitating governmental
decisions and approvals for infra-
structure projects. For example,
the slackness in the commodities
market has resulted in a slow-
down in investments in the min-
ing sector in Western Australia
and Queensland. The government
has tried to take up this slack
by stepping up its capital invest-
ment program. Consult Australia
acts as a catalyst in such situ-
ations and helps in overcoming
regulatory and procedural hur-
dles so that projects are sanc-
tioned and implemented quickly.
Megan Motto explains the role
of the association, “We nego-
tiate directly with government,
but the best thing that we can
do in terms of infrastructure in-
vestment is to make a close re-
lationship with government and
oppositions around the country,