134 Business View Australia - June 2015
says, “We have good relations with
quite a few companies. We proba-
bly have 16 to 20 suppliers for dif-
ferent things including dry stores,
chicken, poultry, beef, lamb, veal
and bacon meats. There would
probably be four suppliers whom I
would have a really close connec-
tion with. One is M.C. Herds, Cut-
fresh Pty Ltd. and there is a compa-
ny in the city called Pacific Meats
– these are all meat suppliers.
“The chicken supplier that I have
been dealing with for ten to fif-
teen years is called KRC Chickens.
There is another dry store company
that I do 90% of my business with
called Complete Butchers Supply.
When I buy my machinery I go to a
company called Viking, it used to
be called Butcher’s Machinery.”
Changing demands
of customers
Over the half century that
Greg has been a butcher
he has seen the evolving
tastes of the customer.
What has remained con-
stant is his constant de-
sire to give them the best at com-
petitive prices. Greg is confident
that customers will always want
quality and the success of his
business shows how true that is.