18 Business View Australia - March-April 2016
Dubbo Regional Airport
Dubbo Regional Airport is a major
point of difference for Dubbo amongst
comparable regional centres. Annual
passenger numbers now exceed
190,000, and Dubbo passengers can
fly daily on numerous flights to/from
Sydney, but also most days to/from
Brisbane, Melbourne and Broken Hill.
Council’s last major upgrade in 2014
saw $3million spent on upgrading and
extending the terminal, and doubling
the carparking capacity adjacent to
the terminal. Development continues
at the Airport, however, with a further
$7 million to be spent commencing
later in 2016 on strengthening the
main runway to permit the operation
of larger aircraft from the Airport in
future years.
The Parks of Dubbo are of
Regional Importance As
Tourism is a big part of Dubbo’s
economy and the City’s capability
to host large sporting carnivals
and events has long been known.
Such events are complemented by
Dubbo Regional Airport