22 Business View Australia - March-April 2016
Stewart McLeod
has had 41 years experi-
ence as a professional engineer. He has been
Director Technical Services at Dubbo City Coun-
cil since 1994 and was Director Technical
Services at Orange City Council prior to that.
Stewart has Honours qualifications in Civil Engi-
neering, a Masters Degree in Business Admin-
istration and a Diploma at Distinction Level in
Town and Country Planning.
Stewart is active in Local Government and En-
gineering in NSW, having spent considerable
time serving on the NSW Local Government
Water Directorate, the Board of IPWEA (NSW),
the national Engineers Australia Regional En-
gineering Special Interest Group, Chair of the
Dubbo Country Group of Engineers Australia
since 1997, and an Excellence Awards Chief
Judge for the Sydney Division of Engineers Aus-
tralia since 2004. Stewart is an Emeritus Mem-
ber of IPWEA, a Fellow of Engineers Australia
and was the recipient of a Public Service Medal
in the Australian Honours Awards announced in
June 2011.
In the private sector final Government
approvals have just been given (March
2016) for a $1.2 billion Zirconia and
Rare Earths Mine at Toongi just 20
kilometres to the south of Dubbo. This
major mining development will include
onsite processing of the ores in a
major value-adding exercise which will
see 240 new jobs added to the Dubbo
economy over a project life expected
to exceed 50 years. Construction is
expected to commence by the end of
With a clear plan and vision for the
future, Dubbo is certainly on track
to continue its history of innovative
Contractor Listing
www.barnson.com.auCockram Constructions
www.cockram.comCountry Powerline Constructions
www.countrypower.net.auFulton Hogan Dubbo
www.geolyse.comRegional EnviroScience