Business View Australia
to grow and he decided to retrain
so that he could offer it to his own
patients. Developments in ultrasound
have also kept practitioners on their
toes as they need to constantly stay
updated with what is available, such
as 3D imaging.
Technological advances in all fields
of medicine are important but in the
field of Phlebology it is critical for
practitioners to remain abreast of all
the rapid developments in ultrasound
and laser technologies to maintain the
standards of best practice. Keeping
up to date with the latest journals and
attending international conferences is
essential. The treatment of varicose
and spider veins will continue to
evolve. Technological innovation and
new insights through research over
the last two decades have completely
changed the paradigm of treatment
for patients with varicose veins.
Phlebology initially developed in
Europe and then the USA but Australia
has long been recognized as having
international experts. The UK NICE
guidelines recommend that varicose
laser or radio-frequency based
procedures first, then ultrasound
guided sclerotherapy and then failing
that you look at the surgical options.