bed accommodation facility in two
The second stage incorporated a
new respite care facility with 100
accommodation units over two
storeys with undercroft parking.
Speaking about the company’s
projects, James Leiper says, “We
usually have over one hundred
projects in the business at any one
time in a wide range of industries. In
the last couple of years some of the
more notable amongst these have
been the Wheatstone and Gorgon
projects which have kept a lot of us
busy for a number of months.”
Wheatstone Non Process
Infrastructure Buildings
project is
located at Onslow, Western Australia.
This $240 million project was
completed in 2015 and involved the
structural design and documentation
for the plant, which incorporated
a total of 12 buildings and other
miscellaneous structures.
Pritchard Francis’ expertise in Blast
Engineering was put to good use
as the structures were governed
by blast pressures up to 50 times
larger than wind. In conjunction with
the sub-contractors the company
was involved in research and
development of cladding materials
simulating cyclonic wind and blast
loading. The excellent quality of
work resulted in the company being
awarded additional assignments
from Chevron.
Another major project completed
by Pritchard Francis in 2015 was
the execution of the
Gorgon General
Administration Buildings
at Barrow
Islands. This $180 million project
had the company providing lead, civil
and structural consultant roles for
the development.
The permanent administration
buildings included a fire station,
workshop and warehouse. The
site was extremely difficult to work
on due to cyclonic conditions and
flooding. This project was a landmark
achievement for the company and
has set the stage for procuring
more assignments that require the
specialised capabilities developed
within the company.
Pritchard Francis utilises cutting
edge technology and owes a large
part of its success to keeping up-to-
date with the latest developments in
its fields of expertise. James Leiper
says, “On the design side of things
computers are making Engineering