it has achieved four and five star
ratings. The company has five staff
members who have gone through the
Green Star accreditation process.
This enables the firm to actively
contribute to discussions during the
design process and to work towards
s u s t a i n a b l e
s o l u t i o n
time and cost
Pritchard Francis has a strong
focus on its existing clients and is
constantly on the lookout for new
market sectors to work within. It is
concentrating on the sustainable
design aspect as the company is of
the view that this will gain greater
importance in the coming years,
especially with topical climate change
issues and environmental issues.
Commenting on the way forward for
Pritchard Francis, James Leiper says,
“I think life-cycle analysis is going to
becomea lotmore commononprojects
as the benefits
to be reaped are
huge. People will
design options
might be a bit
more expensive
at the beginning but if you look at the
life-cycle of those products and those
systems there are substantial savings
to be realised. As a result clients are
going to be more willing to adopt those
kind of approaches. This side of our
business is going to be a real selling