Business View Oceania
AT A GLANCE WHO: Oceanside Village WHAT: Beachfront resort consisting of 22 independent villas WHERE: 117 Knight Terrace, DenhamShark Bay WA 6537 WEBSITE: oceanside.com.auas owner-operators are the couple are
deeply involved in the day-to-day run-
ning of the resort. A lot of the work,
form marketing to customer service
and accounts to stocking is done di-
rectly by them. This level of involve-
ment has also allowed them to make
personal contacts with a lot of the
guests and to establish a returning
base of customers. In fact, Tara is very
familiar with a lot of the customers as
they have been coming back for years.
Catering to every kind of
The vacancy rates have been fairly
consistent over the years with an aver-
age of 75-80 percent occupancy. The
resort caters to all kinds of visitors,
from families to business profession-
als. In fact, Oceanside Village has a
large corporate market and they have
also gained a lot of return guests who
prefer to stay in a personalized space
where they can also conduct their
work instead of staying at a hotel. On
the other hand, families, singles, and
couples take advantage of the scenic
location and take part in many of the
activities in the region.
After all, there are numerous activi-
ties to be had in Shark Bay, especial-
ly for the more adventurous of visitors.
First and foremost, the World Heritage