Business View Australia - August 2015 131
Preferred Vendor
Coastal Tipper Hire:
www.coastaltipperhire.com.autrade. When awarding a contract we
go on price, availability, capability and
How has your company been
impacted by sustainability and
environmental requirements for
“More often than not our projects
will come with documented drawings.
Where we see possibilities, we will
suggest environmentally friendly
ways. The challenge is that all the
clients are often working to a budget
on a commercial level, so you can only
suggest ways to be more sustainable,
like LED lighting and solar panels. And
Nick Ray
hopefully they take it, if they don’t
you just have to work within council
How long would it take you to
complete a project?
“One thing which I didn’t mention
earlier on. The reason we win a lot
of work is because customers love
it when you push a job out quickly.
It makes everybody’s life easier.
We discuss construction programs
throughout contract meetings to
work with the clients expectations
and requirements, we always aim to
complete ahead of schedule where
possible as it’s always in the best
interest for the client and Onesector.”
Is it quite a competitive industry?
“It’s very competitive at the moment,
however, we are at a stage where our
overheads are low and our work output
is maximised for the amount of staff
we have. We have been successful in
over 85% of jobs tendered in the last
2 years so that’s testament to the
tight ship we are running.