Business View Australia - August 2015 127
of Queensland such as Harvey Bay,
Bundaberg, Mackay and Newcastle.
The company has earned a very
strong name for itself in the industrial
building sector. The feedback has
been very positive, especially with the
rapid growth which has taken place in
the last three years. A lot of clients
are referred through word of mouth,
which has been built on a solid
customer service foundation. New
customers have been impressed with
the ease of working through a project
with Onesector.
Completing projects ahead of
schedule and a personal touch goes
a long way in securing the company
lots of new work.
“We’ve got 100 clients, I could have
a beer with 99 of them. We make
sure every client comes out at the
end of the day with a smile on their
face. We put in extras on the job.
They always get more than what is
in their contract. It’s just something
I was taught in how to manage
Hiring the right people also goes
a long way. The staff numbers are
continuing to grow and it is becoming
more important to create the right