Business View Australia - August 2015 47
WHO: Hall & Prior
WHAT: Hall & Prior offer a range
of services to support you or your
loved one as their needs change
over time.
WHERE: WA 6005, Australia
hallprior.com.auin Aged Care
Michael Hall and Graeme Prior teamed
up to set up the first nursing home.
Today, Hall & Prior provides care
to approximately 1,200 high care
residential clients and 66 community
clients. The Group’s clientele incudes
120 veterans from the Australian
defence forces, 60 homeless people,
and 60 aboriginal people.
Hall & Prior enjoys an impeccable
reputation for providing quality aged
care and its commitment to its clients
has resulted in this rapid growth. The
organisation’s expansion is the result
of word of mouth referrals, web based
marketing and the referrals made to
it by various consumer and interest
groups. In view of the well-known fact
that Hall & Prior’s homes provide the
highest degree of safety and comfort,
doctors, social workers and hospital
based teams regularly make referrals
to the Group.
Over theyearsHall&Priorhaskeptpace
with changing times and the evolving
needs of aged care. Graeme Prior, Chief
Executive Officer of Hall & Prior Health
& Aged Care Group, describes how the
role of aged care homes has changed
in the last 23 years, “The demands of
clients over the years have changed