50 Business View Australia - August 2015
in accordance with this philosophy and
over the past four years, Hall & Prior
has won six Better Practice Awards for
projects that have transformed the way
residents are cared for.
Notable amongst these are the
Mosman Park Aged Care Home’s New
Beginnings Program of 2014, and three
projects in 2013; Leighton Aged Care
Home’sEvacEddieProject, Rockingham
and Windsor Park Aged Care Home’s
Workplace Harmonisation Program.
Mosman Park’s application for the
Better Practice Award described a
six step process that has been in use
at the home since 2010. A practice
of developing an individualised and
person centred approach for care and
rehabilitation for people with complex
physical and mental health issues
has met with remarkable success.
In the home’s most spectacular case,
a woman with a life-long diagnosis of
to the practice followed at Mosman Park
Aged Care Home, a specific program was
developed for her after taking into account
her physical andmental issues. A rigorous
application of the technique developed by
the home yielded some very positive and
gratifying results.