Business View Australia - February 2015 17
port, Portal and Warehousing which includes trans-
port, postal services, warehousing and other trans-
port support services offered to customers across
all industries in Australia.
By only recording transport services offered to third
parties (called ‘Hire and Reward’ services) the na-
tional accounts miss a significant amount of freight
transport that is carried out by companies on their
own account (so called ‘ancillary transport’) and
which is allocated in the national accounts to the
primary industry of those companies.
Even including ancillary transport leaves an indus-
try definition that is very narrow and misses many
of the logistics activities that must be undertaken
to bring goods to customers. There are many pos-
sible definitions of logistics, but a definition which
has been adopted for this analysis is:
Logistics management is that part of supply chain
management that plans, implements, and controls
the efficient, effective forward and reverses flow and
storage of goods, services and related information
between the point of origin and the point of con-