116 Business View Australia - January-February 2016
potential customers and stakeholders.
Towards this end, the Board made a
joint and unanimous decision to adopt
separate names for the charitable,
fundraising side of the organisation-
and the operational entity that offers
aged care services.
As a result, it was decided that the
aged care services would be provided
under a new trading or brand name,
‘Bene’, which highlights the ‘good’ in
all the organisation’s facilities and ser-
vices, especially good food, good life-
style and good quality.
Meanwhile, the name ‘Italian Benev-
olent Foundation’ would continue and
this body would remain responsible for
the overall administration of all activi-
ties and also drive the fundraising ef-
forts and charitable works.
Adelaide’s Brand Partners
conducts rebranding
Brand Partners was engaged to do
a complete exercise to deliver a com-
prehensive marketing strategy for the
organisation’s aged care facilities and
services. The rebranding of the aged
care services was done to capitalise
on the opportunities and challenges
brought about by aged care reforms in
the country.
There was a common perception that