Business View Australia - January-February 2016 113
Preferred Vendors
agedcaredev.com.auBaldasso Cortese
bcarch.netGeorge and ARB Electrical
geoarb.com.auQuality Care
qualityagedcare.com.aucinemas. It is proposed that this tech-
nology will be rolled out across all lo-
In November 2015, Lou Pascuzzi was
invited to participate in the Austral-
ia-China International Aged Care Sum-
mit as a panellist on the Aged-Care Fa-
cility Design and Operation Forum. The
insights gained during this visit have
presented TLC Healthcare the oppor-
tunity to understand how it may partic-
ipate in China’s aged care sector.
TLC Healthcare has developed a fo-
cussed strategy to become a leader in
providing innovative services in the ar-
eas in which it operates. The organi-
sation’s highly trained and motivated
staff exemplify the best in healthcare
services. As TLC’s expansion plans
achieve completion it will be in a posi-
tion to provide care to an even larger
number of people within the communi-
ties that it serves.