Business View Australia - January-February 2016 133
Formed in 2011, the Australian
Forest Products Association (AFPA)
is the result of a merger of the Aus-
tralian Plantation Products and Pa-
per Industry Council and the Nation-
al Association of Forest Industries.
The AFPA represents organisations
that manage and harvest forest re-
sources, process them such as saw-
milling, and undertake further man-
ufacturing such as engineered wood
products and the pulp and paper in-
The primary goal of AFPA is to
work towards providing a voice for
the industries associated with for-
est products to the government and
the community at large. In view of
the diverse nature of the industries
represented, membership is divided
into three chambers, the Resources
Chamber, the Processing Chamber
and the Pulp and Paper Chamber.
A carbon positive
In 2010, the Food and Agricultur-
al Organization (FAO) of the United
Nations declared on the basis of
a study it had conducted, that the
global forest products industry gen-
erates a net saving in global emis-
sions of around 42 million tonnes
per annum.
The FAO’s calculation takes into
account the carbon sequestration
in forests, the substitution of emis-
sions intensive building materials