22 Business View Australia - January-February 2016
the Blue Derby Mountain Bike (MTB)
project which received Federal Govern-
ment funding of $2.5 million. Now, the
Break O’Day Council (in conjunction
with Dorset Council) is actively seeking
$3.1 million in funding for the develop-
ment of Stage 2. Planning approval for
the Blue Tier component of the project
was received by Council in April 2015
which facilitated the extensive approv-
al process for environmental and her-
itage issues. Already the MTB project
has boosted the region’s tourism sec-
tor and contributed to increased em-
ployment and economic growth.
The first stage of the project involved
the construction of 80 kilometres of
trails in the north-east corner of Tas-
mania. The second stage will see ap-
proximately an additional 100km of
trails. When completed, this three
St Mary’s Street Scape