Business View Australia - January-February 2016 23
Contractor Listing
AJL Consulting Engineers
ajlengineers.com.auBison Conctructions
bisonent.com.autrail network will be world class, pur-
pose built single-track mountain bike
trails with associated infrastructure,
including signage, and ancillary facili-
ties such as bike wash stations. The
features are both constructed and nat-
ural and there are a number of rivers
and waterfalls that make these trails
some of the best in the country.
In addition to the involvement of the
local government bodies, a number of
Tasmanian government and non-gov-
ernment institutions have been in-
volved in the project.
These include Parks and Wildlife,
Northern Tasmania Development,
Tourism Northern Tasmania, East
Coast Regional Tourism Organisation,
Tourism Tasmania, Forestry Tasmania,
Natural Resource Management and
Sport and Recreation Tasmania. It is
to Council’s immense credit that it has
successfully co-ordinated with a large
number of bodies to bring this project
to fruition.
Health precinct
With an ageing facility due for upgrad-
ing, Council decided to take the proac-
tive step of securing land for a health
precinct in St Helens which supports
the state government to build a new
District Hospital. The current facility
has a range of problems from flooding
to poor access so Council purchased
a 3.4 ha plot in St Helens that ticked
all the boxes for suitability, access and
future planning initiatives including the
possible inclusion of a residential aged
care facility.
The State Government has already
committed $7 million of the required
$12 million in funding for investiga-
tions, planning and design of the facil-
ity with the remainder to be used for
the construction. The project is sched-
uled to start in 2016.
Reviewing the year’s operations, May-
or Mick Tucker reported that Council’s
plans are on target with many projects
already completed and others current-
ly under implementation. The bridge
infrastructure replacement plan is pro-
gressing well with a large number of
bridges already renewed and others
scheduled for upgradation. St Helens’
stormwater upgrade has been com-
pleted successfully.
Stage 2 of the new Multi-Purpose In-
door Stadium is nearing completion.
Work on the St Helens barway project
should start soon and the St Helens
Hospital Precinct master plan is also
progressing well. The residents of the
area are fortunate to have a council
that is able to meet their needs and
plan for their future requirements as