Business View Australia - January-February 2016 95
Houseproud Cleaning allows fran-
chisees to purchase a second fran-
chise if the first one has done well.
Franchisee training
Houseproud Cleaning has devised a
two-week training program that offers
a detailed insight into usage of clean-
ing equipment. Franchisees are also
instructed on how to run their busi-
ness successfully.
There are specially designed mod-
ules that provide details on how to
quote for a job, the way to market the
cleaning service in the allotted ter-
ritory and customer service. Many
franchisees who are first-time busi-
nesspersons find the courses on
bookkeeping and administration pro-
vided by the company to be especial-
ly useful.
An added benefit that franchisees
receive is that the training does not
end after the initial two-week peri-
od. The management of Houseproud
Cleaning closely monitors each fran-
chise and provides regular feedback
and support.
Speaking about the success of the
franchise program of the compa-
ny, Paul Mitchell says, “People go to
Houseproud because of our brand-
ing. I interview our franchisees direct-
ly. Everyone in the franchise network
has a relationship with the franchisor.
I go out and see them every three to
six months personally as well. For ex-
ample, I had five meetings out in the
field yesterday.
“In our business, it is very important
to know what is going on. We are able
to make a success of our franchise
business because they trust us and
find us easy to deal with.”