Today, the AAoA plays a vital role in
the tourism accommodation sector of
Australia and has been servicing the
industry for more than 40 years. It has
continuously grown since its inception
and has followed the trends of the ac-
commodation industry very closely.
What was once a small body governing
motels and small hotels has now mor-
phed into a national organisation that
covers thousands of members from fa-
mous hotels to regional boutique mo-
Providing a wide range of
As a governing body, the AAoA prose-
cute a very clear agenda on behalf of
the industry though they do not play a
regulatory role in it. Unlike similar or-
ganisations, the AAoA does not rate or
regulate their members and instead
trusts them to conduct in a profes-
sional manner, particularly in the busi-
ness-to-consumer side of things. In-
stead, the AAoA is interested in four
main areas: demand drivers, employ-
ment, regulation, and taxation. These
areas are broadly defined but encom-
pass much of the work undertaken by
the association.
AT A GLANCE WHO: The Accommodation Association of Australia WHAT: A national, peak governing body that provides a unified voice for the tourism accommodation industry WHERE: Suite 1, Level 2, 189 Kent St, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia WEBSITE: aaoa.com.au