Supporting Partner
Ava Party Hir
e avapartyhire.com.au
goes above and beyond. The feedback
from clients also reflects that. Thank-
fully, the centre has been operating
smoothly since its inception and the
wider community has benefited direct-
ly from this.
By continuously updating and upgrad-
ing their equipment, the centre has
also managed to remain competitive
in the challenging industry of hospital-
ity. Their catering services offer all-day
delegate packages, from breakfast to
full-day catering to cocktail parties.
Their menu also changes seasonally,
particularly for the high-end cocktails.
Outsourcing also means that they
have no overhead and can keep prices
very low. The all-day delegate packag-
es start from $29 per person upwards
to $45 for full catering which includes
high-end drinks and food.
Constantly looking towards the fu-
ture, Patricia hopes to see more and
more people using the centre’s facili-
ties. As they do not have a big adver-
tising budget, they mostly rely on word
of mouth as well as the Internet. Those
methods have worked great for the or-
ganisation but getting higher attend-
ance into the auditorium is a priority
for Patricia. As long as the Northside
Conference Centre continues to profit,
the community will also benefit.