Business View Australia - June 2015 17
The world of the consul t ing
engineering f irms of today is a
mul t i - disciplined one which en-
compasses the design and the
development of roads, airpor ts,
bridges, dams, archi tecture, me -
chanical and electrical projects.
The drawing boards and T
squares of John Bradf ield’s
day may have been replaced
by computer aided design
sof tware (CAD) but , the dis-
cipline, professionalism and
vision of Australian civil and
consul t ing engineers can st ill
be seen in projects, large
and small, across the leng th
and breadth of Australia.
From the local school to the
public transpor t systems and
the roads that people use to get
to work ever y day, consul t ing
engineers are behind them all.
Here are just a few examples
of some of the major engineer-
ing projects that have made
their mark on the Australian
landscape and environment .
The Snowy Moun-
tains Hydro-Elec -
tric Scheme
The snowy mountains hy-
dro - electric scheme was the
neers are
ts in Australia, when
on projects such as the
the iconic, world fa-
gineers have been shap-
the world’s largest en-
working in relative
rvise and project man-
people take for granted.