150 Business View Australia - November-December 2015
has very loyal patients who refer their
friends and family.
The clinic also has a strong website
with a large amount of educational
material. Themanagement is of the view
that it is important for patients to fully
understand the procedures followed for
their treatment.
360uv Skin Cancer Clinic
Australia has the highest incidence
of skin cancer in the world and this
malady accounts for 80% of newly
diagnosed cancers in the country.
360uv Skin Cancer Clinic is the most
comprehensive and professionally
managed skin cancer clinic in Canberra
offering the entire range of treatments
and checks.
The clinic specialises in skin cancer
checks and arranges non-invasive
management of the lesionor, if required,
surgical excision.
360uv Skin Cancer Clinic has great
expertise in detecting and treating
melanoma, the least common but
most dangerous form of skin cancer.
The clinic has a team of GPs and
specialists under the leadership of Dr
Alastair Taylor, who are trained in the
removal of the melanoma.
The clinic has also gained expertise in
the prevention of skin cancer.