Business View Australia - November-December 2015 151
Strong relationship with
The CAPS Clinic uses the most
technologically advanced and reputed
equipment for treating its patients.
In fact, Dr Alastair Taylor is not an
early adopter of technology. When a
company launches a new product, the
CAPS Clinic first observes how it is
doing in the market and the results that
it produces.
Only if it is fully satisfied with the
product’s efficacy and safety does it go
ahead and acquire the new product and
use it for the treatment of its patients.
Cheryl Taylor says, “We have been
working with our skin care company,
Advanced Skin Technology, since we
introduced skin care back in 1999, the
year after we started practice. They
have grown and developed and met the
market at a number of different levels
as the industry has matured. That has
been a really good relationship for us.
“We use Cutera lasers and they have
been a great solid force in the laser
industry. They have been really good to
The best hair removal machines are
available from Lumenis. The LightSheer
is the gold standard for hair removal for
the last 15 years, in my opinion.”
Offering patients a range of
The CAPS Clinic’s patients range from
students with acne to women in their
fifties who have never looked after their
skin and now want to rejuvenate it.
Patients are offered a balance of non-
surgical and surgical options, giving
thema choice of the various treatments
available to them.
It is the policy of the clinic to advise a
patient that, say, a 25% improvement
would be available if they adopt a
certain treatment, 50% if they undergo
a particular procedure and that even an
80% to 90% improvement is possible
if they go down the surgical path. The
decision is left entirely up to the patient.
The CAPS Clinic prides itself on
providing aunique service to its patients
whilemaintaining the highest standards
of safety and professionalism.