24 Business View Australia - December 2015
for traffic and transport management
in the main Campbelltown/Macarthur
Regional City CBD. This will enhance
connectivity and accessibility and
support development in the area.
Wayne Rylands, Council’s Director City
Works, said Council is working hard to
reduce the infrastructure backlog.
“Last year, we spent about $20 million
doing some short-term catch-up and
that is continuing into this financial year.
We are also investing quite heavily in
new infrastructure, with a $19 million
upgrade of Eagle Vale Drive to a dual
carriageway underway and about $2
to $3 million set aside for extending
Beverley Road into the Campbelltown
“In the following years, we propose
to spend an extra $6.5 to $8 million
per annum to reduce the backlog of
infrastructure works. We anticipate that
by 2025, we will not have any backlog.
We also have plans to upgrade the
CampbelltownArtsCentre. That’sa$30
million project which we are seeking
assistance from the State Government
for, which will turn the centre into an
even greater flagship cultural venue for
Greater Sydney.”
Council is currently working on
open space planning to ensure that
residents have access to innovative
and well-maintained parks, reserves,
sports fields and other areas, with a
focus on accommodating a range of
recreation and leisure experiences.
Between $800,000 and $1 million, a
year has been set aside to upgrade
playgrounds and diversify the types of
play spaces that are available for the