Business View Australia - November-December 2015 29
construction and demolition industry,
small and medium enterprises and to
the private and residential sector. It also
works with local governments and the
state government to provide disposal
solutions for all types of waste streams.
Instant Waste Management plays
a crucial role in Western Australia in
promoting educational and recycling
initiatives with its customers and
members of the public. In recognition
of these efforts, Jake Hickey, Instant
Waste Management’s State Resource
Development Manager won the
National GreenSmart Professional
award in 2014.
Additionally, of the 12 categories
in which the Western Australian
GreenSmart awards are conferred,
11 were won by customers of Instant
Waste Management.
Instant Waste Management has
installed a state-of-the-art facility that
separates waste into its reusable
components. The Material Recovery
Facility is acknowledged as one of
the most efficient automated waste
recycling systems in operation in
Western Australia.
The Green Building Council of Australia
(GBCA) hasanon-going relationshipwith
Instant Waste Management to host a
tour of its Material Recovery Facility as
part of the World Green Building Week.
This joint endeavour is a yearly feature.
GBCA members were encouraged to
attend the tour, which was designed
to illustrate the possibilities in waste
management and recycling.
Instant Waste Management provides
its services to several sectors that