48 Business View Australia - November-December 2015
website. This is due to the emphasis
on search engine optimization and the
use of Google AdWords. Based on this
success, the company plans to increase
its expenditure on these activities.
Traditional methods of advertising
are used in a limited way. It has been
seen that newspaper advertisements
do not generate many leads, especially
in the cities. Due to this reason, print
advertisements are restricted to rural
areas or other territories where the
franchise owners get a good response
from this form of publicity.
Low-investment business
At some point in their careers, many
people decide that they want to work
for themselves and build a business.
Becoming a franchise owner with Fox
Mowing & Gardening is a good option
as the entry cost is low and hence the
amount at stake is limited.
If the entry cost is $200,000 or
$300,000 it can be a barrier, but an
individual who wants to become a
franchise owner of FoxMowing needs to
invest only $20,000 to $25,000. Many
people consider this as a stepping stone
to some other business. A number of
franchise owners have opted for this
line as it gives them an option to work
It is a fact that in this industry salaries
are very low. Golf course greenkeepers
and those who work in parks or gardens
for a Council are usually paid lowwages.
While there may be some exceptions,
the number of franchise owners from
this line of activity is increasing. The
advantage they enjoy is that they can
get into business for themselves while
staying in the same industry.
As Fox Mowing & Gardening is a
relatively new operation, which is not
even three years old, franchise owners
have an opportunity to become a part
of the business in its initial stages.
There are still several prime territories
available for allotment giving new
entrants the scope to build up a strong
base of customers.
Why franchise
owners prefer Fox
Fox Mowing’s franchise owners are
spread across practically the whole
country. Each of the franchise owners
has an adequate number of regular
clients who keep them occupied for
most of the time. In fact, many of them
need to turn away business.
Fox Mowing’s franchise owners enjoy a
number of advantages. They areallotted
a significant territory size at the initial